Welcome José Natzar IA
En el dinámico mundo corporativo, donde las demandas y desafíos son constantes, la llegada de José Natzar IA a Outsourcing S.A.S. BIC marca un hito significativo en la forma en que la empresa aborda el bienestar integral de sus colaboradores. José Natzar, un consejero digital con inteligencia artificial, aterriza en la organización con el propósito claro de «guardar, proteger y conservar» no solo la productividad laboral, sino también la esencia misma de cada individuo.
What are insights and what are their advantages
Understanding what are insights means significant advantages for companies. Having information to make the right decisions is one of the differential aspects that allow companies to establish themselves in different markets.
In-person care: advantages of implementing it
In today's digital maelstrom, where virtual interactions dominate, in-person care remains an underestimated treasure. In this in-depth look, we'll explore why this strategy is still relevant, how it can strengthen customer relationships, and elevate your brand perception.
Business software: uses with generative AI
Artificial Generative Intelligence (AGI) is transforming current business models by boosting creativity. Not only that, but also innovation and efficiency in all economic sectors. In this sense, enterprise software takes advantage of IAG to improve the way companies operate. Optimize efficiency, customer service and decision making.
Bank clients, what profiles exist?
In the changing banking landscape, understanding customer needs and wants is essential for success. Each bank client is unique, with specific expectations that are formed according to their profiles and needs. Learn first-hand how these profiles stand out.
Sales channels: optimization in industries
In the fast-paced world of sales, choosing the right channels is crucial to success. In this article, we will explore the most effective sales channels in today's business landscape and how it is transforming the way sales or service managers approach their responsibilities.