What is IVR and what does it contribute to customer service?

What is IVR: the impact of this system on the customer experience

The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is an automated telephone system technology. This helps the customer resolve questions through pre-recorded answers, without the need for an agent. Knowing what IVR is allows the user to use digits or voice recognition to have their call transferred to the operators. Its implementation has revolutionized customer service, since it grants autonomy to the user and relieves the work of agents.

This is the impact this tool has had on customer service and how its features help managers.

What is IVR and the impact it has had on customer service

What is IVR? It is an essential system in the call centers of different companies. This is a tool that redirects incoming calls to an assigned extension. In turn, it interacts with callers, allowing them to access information without requiring a live agent. Their integration can improve call flow in contact centers.

By understanding what IVR is, the company can increase overall user satisfaction and improve their overall experience. This technology has automated functions that recognize both digits and voice. Therefore, they can answer, transfer calls between operators and terminate a service. Also, it is possible to configure welcome messages and offer options necessary to resolve problems.

Solutions such as IVR Outsourcing allow end-user self-management, through a voice or on-screen menu. This offers various preset options, without the need for additional app downloads.

The IVR and how its functionalities help companies

The IVR can be adapted to the needs of each organization. It has features such as the options menu that speeds up customer service. This minimizes agent workload and allows managers to focus on important responsibilities. Furthermore, being a computer program, it does not make human errors. As a result, incoming calls reach the right agent as quickly as possible.

Thanks to this, understanding what IVR is can help managers meet objectives such as:

  • Improve customer experience. It guarantees 24/7 attention and quality sales and assistance service. This is key in both an omnichannel and multichannel strategy.
  • Reduce the number of unanswered incoming calls. Thanks to an interactive menu with different options.
  • Automate PQRS system tasks to handle customer queries and complaints.
    Save costs and time, as it optimizes the process.
  • It increases the productivity of the company, because it automates many tasks.

Example of applications of IVR technology in organizations

IVR technology is used in a variety of industries. Mainly, its practical uses focus on financial, healthcare, education and retail companies. Also, it is widely used in telecommunications companies, airlines, hotels, travel agencies and government institutions. For their part, organizations like Netflix, Airbnb and Shopify have improved their customer service with this tool.

The IVR is an automated telephone system capable of interacting with users and routing calls to the appropriate agent. With this, it is possible for managers to focus on valuable activities and reduce the burden on operators. Therefore, being clear about what IVR is is essential for companies, since they can transform the customer experience and, in turn, enhance the brand.

Telemarketing has gained a bad reputation due to unwanted calls and aggressive sales.However, it is possible to humanize this practice, turning calls into meaningful conversations. For example, you can put yourself in their shoes and understand how the product or service would benefit you.