PQRS: What They Are and How to Manage Them Effectively

PQRS and its proper administration in a company

PQRS (Requests, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions) are a mechanism that companies use to receive feedback from their customers. In this sense, products and/or services are improved to transform the user experience and the brand acquires greater value.
Therefore, it is essential to manage them properly, because they allow us to know the needs and expectations of customers. Furthermore, through them you can prevent possible problems in attention and service, generating loyalty, satisfaction and a better business reputation. This is reflected in a positive transformation of experiences.
Below, we explain how to effectively manage PQRS, examples for proper management and its main benefits.

How to manage PQRS effectively

There are various approaches and the following stand out:

Implementation of process automation

Automation, through appropriate technological systems, offers important benefits, such as error reduction, time savings and greater analysis capacity. In addition, it allows you to record, track, and provide timely responses.

Customer service outsourcing

Service outsourcing is a solution for efficient customer service; motivated by the following:

  • Reduces administrative burdens.
  • Provides more agile processes.
  • It allows you to dedicate efforts to other relevant areas.
  • Reduces costs in care processes.
  • Optimizes internal care and service tasks.

Establishment of internal procedures with PQRS

Internal procedures are vital in the management of requirements, since they provide order, structure, quality, monitoring and continuous improvement in the handling of these requests. This contributes to strengthening the relationship with customers and maintaining high quality standards.

Have channels or omnichannel in customer service

Customer service or omnichannel channels are essential for customer satisfaction, since they allow direct and effective communication to be established. Thus, trust is generated and commitment is demonstrated on the part of the company to resolve its requirements in a timely manner. In this sense, it is vital that companies provide multiple means of contact to their customers, transforming experiences that value the brand.

Provide timely and personalized responses

This is achieved by executing the following actions:

  • Establishing clear and realistic response times.
  • Complying with established deadlines.
  • Responding quickly and professionally.
  • Showing interest and empathy to take appropriate measures.

Registration and monitoring of requirements

It is achieved through the following actions:

  • Recording the requirements in detail (date, type of request, etc.).
  • Classifying them according to their type, to be able to track them.
  • Verifying the results obtained.
  • Periodically evaluating processes to identify possible improvements and make necessary adjustments.

Examples for proper management of PQRS

Among these, the following stand out:

  • Establish an appropriate management system.
  • Efficiently connect the areas responsible for care and services.
  • Prepare detailed reports.
  • Listen to the client. Using technological tools such as virtual assistance.
  • Use customer relationship management programs.
    Train staff.

In conclusion, efficient management of PQRS is key to maintaining customer satisfaction and improving the quality of the products and services offered. This is achieved through effective communication, empathy and transparency in the management process.

Likewise, the proper management of these requirements contributes to the continuous improvement of the organization. In this sense, we invite you to adopt these practices in your company, to transform experiences into customer satisfaction.