Our Kindness Program receives global recognition

Within the framework of the Seventh International Summit of He’s Way At Work (God in the Company), held in Cancun, from September 25 to 29, 37 companies worldwide applied for their programs that promote the purpose, mission, values and positively transform the lives of employees.

Having said the above, we want to share with you with great joy that we have received a very special recognition for the Kindness Program, “for the valuable contribution, commitment and dedication, standing out for its transcendent spirit, touching and transforming the lives of its collaborators, families and community, seeking the E ROI (Creating eternal value) within the organization”.

Without a doubt, we continue to confirm the phrase of our president and founder, Ricardo Durán: “Success is not given by the number of applause you receive, but by the number of people you help.”

Congratulations on this achievement OS Family. Let’s continue improving lives!