Multichannel and omnichannel: distribute and earn

Multichannel: outperform your competitors

Multichannel, as its name indicates, is the distribution of products through multiple channels. For example, selling products on a website and in a physical store. While omnichannel commerce considers reaching customers by taking advantage of all available channels.

With multichannel, a brand sells its product or service through multiple media. What’s more, being segmented, they function independently of each other; taking into account the user experience. While omnichannel focuses its efforts on taking advantage of all channels, as well as their integration and coherence between them.

Since multichannel and omnichannel achieve the transformation of experiences for all end users in the chain or some in particular, they are presented as winning solutions for the company. For that reason, the user’s journey exceeds their expectations and will be a transformative journey. Therefore, customer loyalty can be increased.

Multichannel and omnichannel for BPO and Contact Centers

Omnichannel is a strategy that offers customers a seamless and consistent experience. Meanwhile, multi-channel can result in a fragmented experience for sales, service or customer service managers. This is basically due to the lack of synchronization between the different points of contact.

BPO companies and contact centers can benefit from omnichannel strategy by improving customer experience, increasing sales, and reducing costs:

  • A customer can start a chat conversation and switch to a phone call if they need more help.
  • A customer can contact an agent via social media and then be automatically transferred to a phone call.
  • Task automation. BPO companies and contact centers free their agents from repetitive tasks such as repetitive answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Improved customer service efficiency. More customers are reached and problems are resolved more quickly and efficiently.

Practical tips to apply omnichannel in your company

To implement omnichannel successfully, you can follow these tips:

  1. Start by understanding your customers:  It is essential to know your customers, understand their needs, their preferences or how they like to interact. That way you will design a better service.
  2. Choose the right channels:  Customers prefer to interact with companies in different ways: phone, email, social media. According to a study, 21% of Latin American institutions use virtual assistants. This is why incorporating virtual assistance is a smart decision to improve customer service.
  3. Integrate your channels: This way, customers can easily move between them. Thus, users can start a conversation on one channel and continue it on another, without major complications.
  4. Deliver a consistent experience: Customers should have a consistent experience regardless of the channel they use. This means that the information and the service must be the same
  5. Collect data and analyze it: Omnichannel allows you to collect a lot of data about your customers. This data can be used to improve customer experience, increase sales and reduce costs.

Evaluate your options

If you are considering implementing omnichannel or multichannel, it is important to evaluate the available options. It is advisable to choose the solution that best suits your needs.

Outsourcing companies can help improve customer experience, increase sales, reduce costs, access specialized resources, or scale operations.